Thread regarding some of the science being used to inform our COVID #bced pandemic response in BC - important to note that references are all to influenza (now also considered aerosolized), which we are constantly told COVID isn't. #morespreadmoredead #bcpoli #getwiththescience 👇🏻
Some thoughts/conclusions:

They keep telling us that kids don't transmit COVID. If they admit that they do, then they'd also have to follow the science listed above.+
To minimize transmission, it is rec'd to close schools and businesses, and essentially lockdown to prevent increased non-household contact. (Similar to spring here.)

Doing so costs money: to support those staying home.

And loses money: because economy.+
It seems, then, that our leaders & PHO are manipulating data, or outright not providing it, and deliberately ignoring the evidence elsewhere of the role kids play in COVID, in order to save a buck.
#morespreadmoredead #howmuchisalifeworth #notyourcollateraldamage #moralbankruptcy
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