Happy 2021! Here are some healthy and attainable New Year’s resolutions to aim for, because I care about you:

1. Say yes first - yes to opportunities that scare but thrill you. You can figure out how to do it later/as you go. It’s always a leap of faith. But you deserve to jump.
2. Commit to kindness. It’s the ultimate act of rebellion in a cynical, hostile & frankly kind of sad & lonely world.

But do not suffer anything less than decency in return. You do not have to put up with toxic people, cruel small-mindedness, or general bullshittery. I promise.
3. Appreciate your body. I don’t mean “lose weight/do cleanse/dry brush that mofo” unless that’s your jam. I mean love it, as is. Carrying all your organs. Growing hair & fingernails. What a badass bitch! 😍 Drink a BIT more water. Move a LITTLE more often. You & she deserve it.
4. It’s gonna be a long, lonely, dark winter, both metaphorically and literally. Don’t let yourself get lost. Tell your people you love them. Check up on your neighbours. Mend fences where you can. Helping others = you aren’t helpless. And you aren’t helpless. You’re the best.
5. Learn to make three meals better than anyone else in the entire world. Get and be extremely smug about it.
6. Make a list of everything you’re going to do once COVID is behind us/ when you’ve been vaccinated. Also: GET VACCINATED. Put things on the list you’ve put off b/c you’re scared/don’t think you deserve it. You’re gonna make it, so prepare to live bigger. For those who can’t. ❤️
7. Consider giving critically acclaimed/two-time People’s Choice Award winner/feminist/gay/supernatural western #WynonnaEarp a try
8. Hang on. Whatever it takes, you’re here and you stay. We need you.

Happy New Year. Get to work.

(Unless you need a nap first which is ALWAYS the right play.) 🧡
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