Over the past little bit, I have tried to keep my personal opinions with respect to what the elected side of government is doing related to COVID as my career in local administration is to advise & suggest, not criticize typically. However, the latest blunder within #ableg...1/11
has put me over the edge where in good conscious I cannot keep shut. Municipal workers have been busting their asses off since mid-March dealing with this pandemic with conflicting information, limited support, & constant criticism from the #ableg government. This has came...2/11
with endless hours of OT by local elected officials & administration at all hours attending Town Hall Forums late at night after a full day of work, helping citizens as much as possible with COVID & regular business, all with a "Minister" & government demanding more with... 3/11
less. We have had to source supplies. We have had to forgive taxes. We have had to do all of the work the UCP downloads down to us. Many of us have worked over 300 hours of extra OT, unpaid, serving our public, who are the same citizens we serve as does the #ableg... 4/11
Personally, I have had ONE vacation day all year to stand up for one of my friends getting married. The rules have been clear. Don't travel, wash your hands, do not social gather, etc. I have staff who have not been able to see their ailing parents for months or hug the... 5/11
ones they love. There are thousands of Albertans who have lost their jobs due to the inaction of the UCP. There are people who have had to watch their spouses die via Zoom. Yet this government changes the goal posts when they are not able to read their own "rules"... 6/11
To me, that is absolutely complete bullshit. If myself or other local leaders tried that, the Minister, #ableg, & our citizens would demand our heads. Yet this government believes that they are above all. This is the exact same sort of entitlement that tainted the PCs... 7/11
This is the type of unethical & unprofessional garbage that give all government a bad name. These are the indecent choices that turn people away from politics & turn moderate conservatives or liberals as apathetic. It is NOT how society should work. I recall the Minister... 8/11
right before she left for Hawaii in a Town Hall Forum say she was "working hard" for all Albertans "Because You Matter". Well obviously it now is that "She Matters More". To say that I am ashamed in the Minister who is "leading" all local governments in #AbLeg... 9/11
& our "Premier" is an understatement. From one Progressive & Grassroots Conservative to our #ableg Conservatives who are that in name only, do your damn job, follow your own damn rules, and grow the f**k up. We all deserve better. Especially in the gravest situation we ... 10/11
have faced in a generation (their words, not mine). I have never been more embarrassed in my government then today. This is not only political now, the UCP have made this personal and professional. What a complete joke you have further become. *End Rant* 11/11
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