Here's a little dump of links & videos you can use against zoophiles when they want to argue that it's a-okay to hurt animals!

Massive TW for rape, incest, abuse, cruelty to animals, & murder.

Thank you, @MyFavMurder, @RedHandedthepod & @LPontheleft for bringing these up.
Fred West is another (this man also committed rape & incest, buried his victims in his backyard)
Ottis Toole (he was Henry Lee Lucas' S/O)
Man caught bringing bestiality porn to a minor (decoy) on "To Catch a Predator"
Zoophiles will try to pull the "WELL ACKTULLY" card on people, they like to talk in circles, & try to confuse you.

The fact is, this is a mental disorder & illness. It's a paraphilia & it has a co-morbidity with other personality disorders, some very dangerous.
These people are mentally ill, they also try to normalize it, & aren't seeking help, even though they desperately need it.

But if you ever find yourself swamped with a bunch of zoophiles throwing a temper tantrum? Use Redbock to mass block them.
You can follow @PastelRitual.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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