Good 🧵. I’m on team 1 shot now. Get more people vaccinated quicker and then administer 2nd shots when supplies are higher.
Unlike masks, airborne transmission, asymptomatic spread, etc...there is a legit & serious debate about the prudence of delaying the 2nd vaccine dose to maximize more people getting their 1st dose quicker. Here’s the other side:
The FDA & public health establishment, especially policymakers, tend to be pretty conservative (thus the take ⬆️). If they’re not on team 1 shot, then the feds & states need to move heaven & earth to accelerate vaccinations. They should anyway, but even more so using 2 shots.
Much like how the argument for direct cash rather than complicated limitations on pandemic benefits to address moral hazards accepted those hazards in favor of speed of benefit, we’ll likely need to flex a bit on phases of eligibility for the vaccine too.
It’s pretty clear that even with the holidays complicating vaccination roll out, states aren’t getting enough vaccine in arms quick enough...and calculations on timing also didn’t account for significant % of eligible people (such as health care workers) refusing the shot now.
Addressing people in essential roles like health care worker/teacher refusing the shot is a different issue (I’m for firing them). If it means more vaccine is available for, say, people ages 65–74 or <65 with a high risk condition then let’s not be hyper rigid about eligibility.
A good thread on applying that principle of vaccine distribution > rigid adherence to eligibility criteria. Speed of vaccination is better than precision of strict eligibility adherence.
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