Regular goal setting apps not quite working for you?

Yeah, I don’t exactly have a six pack or Lamborghinis either

So we researched the latest goal setting science and discovered the secret that ALL of these apps were missing:

Fear of Embarrassment

a thread 🧵
Humans will do anything to ensure that they aren’t even a little bit embarrassed.. especially publicly
What if there was a way to use this “fear of embarrassment” as a motivator to achieve our New Years resolutions?
Well you guessed it, there is!

That’s why we built , a 30-day challenge that ensures you achieve your goal, or else..
What’s the “or else” you ask?

It’s simple. If you don’t achieve your 30-day goal, we run an embarrassing ad on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook in your local city for up to 1000 impressions.
Oh you want to see an example?

Here’s my ad that will go live if I don’t lose 10 pounds in the next 30 days
Some may disagree with the morality of this but it’s just good science at work
You can follow @whit4th.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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