Thread. I'm asking all my artists, musicians, writer and performer followers for something: can you please make it your new year's resolution to sign up to the Irish Cultural Boycott of Israel which currently has almost 1000 signatories? Read on so that I can explain why...
Firstly the campaign of @BDSmovement is a Palestinian led non-violent action in the great tradition of resistance which has its origins in Ireland along with the word Boycott itself. We have a chance to show solidarity in a powerful and non-violent way as artists
For those worried about Israeli artists, or boycotting the cultural production of a country irrespective of their views on their own government- that is not what the cultural boycott asks- see picture here for the actual pledge
The Cultural Boycott is about international solidarity- and is hugely important when coming from Irish artists given our history and connections with Palestine. It is even more important now in 2021 the year Ireland takes up its seat at the security council-
Even if all it did was send support to Palestinians that we know about them and that despite Covid and Trump and all the global conflicts that we have not forgotten them it would be worth it. We also need to show our own government here that as artists we stand with the oppressed
And as the creators of the 'Cultural Capital' that Ireland so prides itself on we will not be counted on for any of our own governments shenannigans if they 'pinkwash' or art-wash the decades of abuses perpetrated against Palestinians by the Israeli state.
The Cultural Boycott is not a campaign against Israeli artists, nor against freedom of speech. It's a refusal by Irish artists to allow ourselves be used to normalise a state that is anything but normal. We haven't much power but neither did a dunnes stores worker Mary Manning
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