a list of things you should be worried about instead of the vaccine, a thread:
plastic cooking utensils: if they come into contact with heat above 70°C/158°F, they produce oligomers, which can cause liver and thyroid damage.
tea: if you buy non-organic tea, you may be brewing pesticides along with your tea.
tea bags are also an issue: bleached tea bags contain dioxins (reproductive and development issues, increased risk of cancer, and damage to the immune system) and epichlorohydrin (stomach issues and increased risk of cancer).
mesh tea bags are also problematic: they contain plastic. (see above for why plastic shouldn't be exposed to heat.)
non-stick pans: most are coated with teflon. PFOA was used in the production of teflon until 2013. PFOA is linked to thyroid issues, kidney disease, liver disease, testicular cancer, infertility, and low birth weight.
the air: the air quality in most metro areas even without the fires is not good. aside from the obvious respiratory issues air pollution can cause, it has also been linked to heart issues, cancer, developmental issues, behavioral problems, low birth rate, autism, and neuro issues
bad air quality has lasting effects: *prenatal* exposure to air pollution/particulates is associated with a low birth weight and increased risk of having a child with autism. breathing particulates even at relatively low levels may alter the size of a kid's developing brain.
air quality also affects fully grown humans: air pollution has been linked to:
-increased risk of neurological issues like parkinson's & alzheimer's
-impaired blood vessel function and speed up blockages
-cancer in general, but specifically lung cancer & breast cancer
processed meat (bacon, sausages, deli meat, etc.): they contain nitrates & when ingested with amino acids, they react with your stomach acids and form nitrosamines. cooking them at high temps does this too. nitrosamines have been linked to an increased risk of cancer.
canned soup (this is my fave bc i feel like the non-california anti-vaxxers are casserole ladies): bc of the controversy against BPA, companies now mostly use BPS and BPF. but BPS and BPF are linked to an increased likelihood of childhood obesity.
also, the FDA only banned the use of BPA in baby bottles and formula packaging. so that can of cream of mushroom soup might still have BPA.

in fact, in 2017, the center for environmental health found that BPA was still used in the packaging of 40% of canned food.
i may pick this back up later but rn, i have to go lead this call.
if you're worried about the vaccine bc it hasn't been sufficiently tested with people with specific health conditions, that's fine.

but for everyone else, let's put it into perspective of everything else that you're exposed to on a daily basis.
instead of worrying about the vaccine, we should really be worrying about air pollution, plastics, and PFOA/PFOS/other PFASs
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