2020 was full of major cyber events. Here is an end of year #ff thread of some of the most impactful people and research that I leveraged in my work this year

I’ve said it before - but cyber is a team sport and we are better when we share and collaborate
The year started off “with a bang” when CVE-2019-19781 was weaponized prior to patches being available. It felt like every threat actor under the sun was exploiting any Internet facing system and sorting out the wheat from the chaff later.
This resulted in #AzureSentinel detections that are tool specific & others that are tool agnostic. @ashwinpatil’s help as I learned KQL was invaluable here

There are other improvements that aren’t as public but are moving the needle at protecting orgs

In August a patch was released for CVE-2020-1472 (ZeroLogon), in September technical details were released by @SecuraBV. @GossiTheDog @ashwinpatil and I worked on detecting someone leveraging the CVE to conduct a DCSync attack

https://www.secura.com/blog/zero-logon  https://twitter.com/gossithedog/status/1308148096237436928?s=21
In October @CISAgov warned of imminent ransomware attacks targeting US Healthcare

This was all-hands on deck moment @microsoft & across industry. Most people won’t know details but a number of orgs were saved. Super proud of my teammates & industry peers

Golden SAML tokens, compromised AAD Global Admin accounts, creds added to cloud application service principals, new/modified federation trusts, TTPs to evade detection👻, sophisticated OPSEC, this one had it all

It was great to collaborate w/ @ItsReallyNick Solid rundown here 👇 https://twitter.com/itsreallynick/status/1338382939835478016
@msftsecurity has put out a ton of content on the various techniques observed. As new blogs/findings are released - they are being aggregated here:

#ff @Alex_T_Weinert @JohnLaTwC @MSSPete @n0x08 @DeltaTangoTwo @jepayneMSFT

@Volexity & @stevenadair Dark Halo blog discusses similarly interesting TTPs including:
-bypassing MFA after stealing the Duo integration secret key
-PowerShell to access the EWS API for email theft
-staging data for exfil on internet facing mail servers
OPSEC examples: “each compromised device receives unique binary hash, unique local filesystem path, pseudo-unique export & unique C2 domain” & variety of persistence mechanisms

Makes single detection harder to identify other backdoors & reduces utility of sharing hashes/domains
There are a number of resources you can leverage to learn about the Golden SAML, OAuth abuse & federation trust abuse

@Mandiant & @Microsoft’s DART team collaborated on blog about Azure Active Directory backdoors

Backdoor #2 is particularly relevant

@DrAzureAD’s blog and associated tools like AAD Internals are a wealth of knowledge about using/abusing functionality of Azure Active Directory and Office365 https://o365blog.com/aadinternals/ 
You can follow @cglyer.
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