Escapist that I am, I read a large number of books in 2020. So many great and varied books that it seems silly to attempt to rank them. Instead, here are some reading highlights.
Reading with a fantastic International Booker Prize shadow panel. I hope to do the same this year.
My @archipelagobks subscription offered nothing but stunning books but this was my favorite. I feel a kindred spirit in Giono.
Two trios of books that killed it in the “unvarnished” category.
All the Dorothy B. Hughes.
Laughed out loud reading it.
A revelation.
I waited a long time, and was not disappointed.
The four Sarah Caudwell mysteries plus meeting Miss Silver were both really satisfying.
Ripping good world building and storytelling. Can’t wait for the next installment.
The delightful @Nancy_Pearl recommends lots of admirable books but Poet’s Pub delivered even more than promised. I probably would have never read it without the gentle push.
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