✍ | Marcelo & Real Madrid in 2021:

• Let's dissect the situation of the best left-back this generation has seen now in 2021 — and where issue lays:

📊 | Marcelo minutes throughout last 5 seasons:

• Gradually seeing his minutes decreased
• Halfway through this season and he's played almost half of Mendy.
📊 | Marcelo numbers:

Not just his minutes have seen a decrease, Marcelo's general creativity has seen a massive dip consistently – through tactical changes and his overall decline in every department.
✍ | Ferland Mendy is just too good – his output offensively & defensive stability makes Marcelo's weaknesses even more apparent & his game more painful to watch.
📊 | Defensive numbers of Marcelo v Mendy:

• Mendy puts less tackles yet has higher %, intercepts the ball more and clears it — pretty much far more dominant through data and this isn't even a conversation when you apply the eye-test.
📊 | Offensive/Creative numbers of Marcelo & Mendy:

Brazilians decline becomes even more prominent when Mendy is so much more dominant on areas going forward, through his sheer physical prowess to improvements he's seen, Marcelo has been taken over.
✍ | Reality is that Marcelo's decline has been physical and technical – Zidane has tried him in multiple roles to fit and it was hardly a pay-off other than few games in between months.

Probably the biggest mistake made from both parties was staying for another season.
✍ | Marcelo maybe can contribute to Real Madrid's season but after 700+ mins in all comps — it looks very unlikely as Brazilian remains a big weakness to Real Madrid which is consistently exposed.
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