Waking up hangover-free on New Year’s Day never gets old. Just a small gift of sobriety. 1/
If you got wrecked last night and woke up this morning with regrets, I know that feeling. It’s horrible. But here’s the thing...2/
If you’ve had enough, I mean like never ever again enough, know that you never have to drink or use again if you don’t want to. 3/
I know that might sound scary (it did for me). I thought it meant life would never be fun again. Interminable boredom. My experience is 100% the opposite. 4/
So if you have that feeling now is the time to channel it into action. Don’t hide your feelings. Raise your hand. Reach out for help. It’s available. It’s welcome. 5/
It may sound cheesy but every moment really does hold the potential for the change you desire. If you’re desperate, great. Grab it. Use it. 6/
I never thought I could get sober, let alone have the life I now enjoy. If I can do it you can too. 7/
There is much we have no control over. But we can control ourselves. Place the focus on that — daily actions, thoughts, habits. And over time watch your life change. 8/
This is your 2021. Act accordingly. END.
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