Moynihan Train Hall opened today. We kicked off the new year with yet another expensive and flashy infrastructure project that will do little to fix the NYC region’s biggest transportation problems. 1/
We should not be celebrating. Rather, we should be doing more to push our electeds to be bold, think outside the box and not simply look for ribbon cutting opportunities. 2/
This is why I have been pushing for a focus on Moynihan’s platforms and back of house for 10 years. Plan for the space holistically and we can support subway, commuter and regional rail passengers and logistics providers and customers too. #moynihantrainhall 3/
Gateway must include freight running off hour to Sunnyside. Today the only ways to cross the Hudson by freight rail are insufficient: Selkirk (150 mi north) or by car float. A through line also makes more sense than the proposed Cross Harbor rail tunnel #buildgateway 4/
#Amtrak says it’s too difficult. What a ridiculous excuse. After Sunnyside, trains can continue onto Long Island or into New England, replacing trucks with rail. The GW Bridge is the busiest bridge in the world. Just imagine what this could do for regional congestion. 5/
But my biggest push for the past decade has been to refocus Farley as an Urban Consolidation Center. Goods from Newark Airport and warehouses west can be transported by train & transloaded to smaller, greener and safer last mile vehicles. #freight 6/
With increased demand for same day delivery, micro fulfillment centers and UCCs in the heart of NYC are essential. What if we could move more goods by small etrucks/vans (w/ sustainable energy), cargo bikes & even on foot while reducing the numbers of large long haul trucks? 7/
Farley already has over 10 loading bays underused by the USPS (most processing is at Morgan a block away). Even with new tenants coming into the building, there is still space to organize and consolidate goods. What are we waiting for? #gatewaytunnel #gatewayfreight 8/8
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