Perdue claims he was the "architect" of Reebok's turnaround, but he was "forced out" because he "was so indecisive, he couldn’t move the product forward," according to a fellow executive. /2
Perdue's failure to save Pillowtex was due to his "inaction."

One of his C-Suite colleagues said: “He supposedly was this marketing genius...He didn’t really help us. We were waiting for him to bring the Ten Commandments to us. They never came.”

Then Perdue quit. /3
Perdue was likely "dealing extensively with the government or the Communist Party" in China for years, experts told the NYT.

He even oversaw Sara Lee's "joint venture" with the Chinese government.

Years later, he sure looks friendly with Chinese Vice Premier Liu He... /4
Perdue is likely hiding even more ties to China.

"This week, The Times asked Mr. Perdue’s campaign if he had any other business involving the Chinese government."

"The campaign declined to answer." /5
Perdue brands himself "the outsider," but "he recruited top aides from his cousin’s [Gov. Sonny Perdue's] campaign staff" and Sonny was "very instrumental" in his 2014 Senate campaign. /6
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