An absolutely horrendous microcosm of apartheid in the West Bank today. Palestinian man - Harun Abu Aram - desperately tries to rescue his electric generator which Israeli soldiers have seized. So a soldier shoots him. Harun is now in critical condition.
Raids like these - to destroy homes, shelters, water pipes etc. - happen all the time. On this occasion, Israeli forces returned to a Palestinian community in the southern West Bank targeted for a demolition just five weeks ago.
In 2020, Israeli authorities demolished a total of *822* Palestinian-owned structures in the occupied West Bank & East Jerusalem (data up to 21 Dec, via UN OCHA).

They are destroyed for lacking permits - permits Israel intentionally & systematically denies Palestinians.
Palestinian homes & basic infrastructure are being targeted for destruction, at the same time as Israeli settlements expand. As @dror_etkes noted, Maon Farm settlement is visible in the video, an outpost the Israeli gov't aims to retroactively 'legalise'.
Israeli army spokesperson's version of events?

"A violent incident in which violence was directed at Israeli forces by a number of Palestinians".

"150" Palestinians in "mass stone-throwing".

Did they know there was a video? Maybe, maybe not - but they do know it won't matter.
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