Georgia Democrat Raphael Warnock is a radicals' radical

Warnock has attacked police, the military, conservatives, etc, while at the same time praising Marxism, Fidel Castro, and Jeremiah Wright. And that's not even all of it...

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During a 2011 sermon, Democrat Raphael Warnock attacked those serving in the military, saying:

"America, nobody can serve God and the military."
Warnock has been a staunch defender of the anti-American, anti-semitic preacher Jeremiah Wright.

In addition to TV interviews defending Wright, Warnock called Wright's "God d*** America" sermon "Christian preaching at its best"
Warnock welcomed murderous dictator Fidel Castro to his church in 1995 for a celebration described as a "lovefest," where attendees chanted "Fidel! Fidel! Fidel!"
Warnock tried to distance himself from dictator Fidel Castro, but a 2016 video shows him recalling Castro's legacy, calling it "complex," adding "kind of like America’s legacy is complex.”
Warnock attacked Georgia law enforcement, calling the police "gangsters and thugs."

Tucker Carlson exposed these disgusting remarks in September.

Read more from @JusticeTristan in the @FDRLST
Warnock demanded Republicans and Trump voters to "repent" for supporting Trump.

"America needs to REPENT for its worship of whiteness" via @alanagoodman
Warnock allegedly ran over his ex-wife's foot with his car.

Bodycam footage shows Warnock's ex-wife pleading with police, saying:

"I've tried to keep the way he acts under wraps for a long time, and today he crossed a line... And he is a great actor."
Warnock called senators who want to cut taxes for working-class families "gangsters and thugs" trying to "kill children.
Warnock refuses to tell Georgians if he would pack the U.S. Supreme Court with additional far-left judges
Socialists Bernie Sanders and AOC are all-in for Warnock because they know he will be a rubber stamp for their radical agendas...
There is definitely more... But Georgia Democrat Raphael Warnock is the radicals' radical, and is one of the most extreme candidates to ever run for the U.S. Senate
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