The best counter-American propaganda simply sidesteps the accusations and says "but can you do this?"

No, Mr. Lukashenko, we cannot.

Note again how easy it is: just a bit of good clean fun in sharp uniforms, or a nice looking subway. It might as well be a moon landing.
Do you feel poor yet, America? You will.

In the last days of the Soviet Union, the alluring inaccessibility of Western consumer goods and pop culture undermined confidence in the system.

Maybe none of that mattered, but you couldn't have it, and the Westerners could.
It would be very easy for America to counter this. A few military parades in dress, a few balls, a few subway renovations, and none of this would cut so deep.

But who in America is interested in and capable of these small measures to protect our collective dignity?
The point isn't that Belarus is a better country or whatever. It obviously isn't. The point is how easy it is to attack American psychological insecurities, how insecure we've made ourselves, and how resolutely we refuse to address our problems.
Imagine the American state apprarattus condemned the dysfunctional government in San Fransisco even a fraction as much as they do Belarus. Doesn't failure close to home count for some extra significance?

We have the tools for reform. It would be so easy. We just don't want to.
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