I originally set up my account for teaching and never wanted politics to bleed into it but last year I found that impossible. Anyway, in an attempt to get back to what is was originally for, here is a thread of some children's literature that I've read recently.
Really enjoyed this graphic novel update on The Witches by @PenelopeB. Makes good use of the format to do things a novel can't and there are some interesting tweaks to the story and characters. Great for Y3 I'd say.
Another triumph of format here. I don't know another book like it. An interesting angle as "a day in the life" and full of fun facts and joyous humour. Will definitely be dipping into pages of this during Science lessons.
Good Wives & Warriors have done it again. I'm a big fan of Myth Match and this is in a similar vein in terms of content. I like the text but it's the artwork that really makes it 1st class, for me. UKS2 probably. @gwandwarriors
Agree with @PaulWat5 - this is the best 1 in the great series. I've listened to & watched @stephenfry Greek Myths trilogy & this deepened my appreciation. Great to study alongside Ancient Greece. A nice KS2 project could be done if you assign 1 of the 4 texts to each year.
New to me but published 1st in 1963. Careful, simple text with careful, simple illustrations. Not a word or a stroke wasted. It will now be my go-to version of the nativity for KS1. The 50th anniversary hardback has an adorable little angel bookmark too.
A more modern retelling of the nativity. A great reminder of perhaps the most famous refugee of all. A great find in @TKMaxx_UK. The story is told from the perspective of the donkey and with a focus on empathy, helping others and kindness. Something we could all do with more of.
It's hard not to find something of interest here. Great double-page spreads with incredible details about incredible animals. A present for a nephew but I sneak-read it first. 🤫
Quality book, as you'd expect from @NHM_London. I'm a sucker for a big timeline and this is a gorgeous one, warranting a little video. Lots of good Science reading here and a great companion to @yuvalzommers Big Book of Bugs.
I have the football one already & love the browsable, clean layout & style of it. Classic @wideeyeded More of the same here with a focus on athletes. An easy one to squeeze a reading activity out of for history, too. Could be a good gateway for a sport fanatic in your class.
They had me at "comes with a free magnifying glass" to be honest but it's more than that. Medieval scenes and detailed cutaways reminiscent of Where's Wally. I can imagine children spending ages poring over these pages.
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