The Honorable @POTUS @realDonaldTrump
Please sign an Executive Order allowing all law abiding citizens in all cities and States to purchase Guns immediately so that they can take up arms immediately if we are in fact invaded from a force that has been brought
Onto our soil. Many of this #PhanfomSleeperVoters might be a cover for interspersed troops from foreign and domestic threats that have partnered together to attempt a hostile take over of our Nation. The $13 trillion in excess debt over the past 20 years since China
Entered the WTO is nothing less than Debt Diplomacy or Debt Trap Diplomacy. Write down all of the National Debt held by China to ZERO. That $3 trillion offsets some of the losses as suffered. Any other bad actors, domestic and foreign, freeze all of their Assets and immediately
Wipe their holdings in any US bonds, municipal and State as well (super important) as they have systematically been attempting and #LBO of our Nation through Economic Warfare that involved bribing thousands among us! 100 million plus Patriots are with you Sir! We shall Prevail!
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