The EZLN (Zapatista) uprising that was launched on January 1, 1994, coincided with the coming into force of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) but was also framed by the Zapatistas themselves in terms of 500 years of resistance.
In 1990, Indigenous uprisings had swept across both Canada & Ecuador, and resistance marked 1992 as the 500 year anniversary of 1492. The Zapatistas, after 1994, later told Kanehsatake community members that they were in part inspired by the 1990 Native resistance across Canada.
Following the Zapatista uprising of 1994, in Canada in 1995 there were two major flashpoints of Native resistance at Gustafsen Lake (Secwepemc territory) & Ipperwash (Anishinaabe territory) with police repression leading to the death of Dudley George & imprisonment of Wolverine.
These events further inspired the growth of the Native Youth Movement & Indigenous resistance in general across Canada, flowing into another cycle of resistance thru the 2000s, from Burnt Church to Six Nations of the Grand River.
As Zig-Zag explained in his 2001 pamphlet "Globalization: From Gunboats to the WTO", part of NAFTA was modifying Article 27 of the Mexican Constitution in order to allow the privatization of collectively-held Indigenous lands (ejidos). The EZLN were in part responding to this.
The Secwepemc land defenders of 1995 & the Native Youth Movement in turn were in part responding to the attempts of the BC NDP and Liberals to privatize Native lands thru the fraudulent BC "Treaty" Process.
Over the decades there have been many Indigenous people from occupied "Canada" who have traveled to Mexico to form links with Indigenous movements there. 2006 saw simultaneous Native resistance at Six Nations of the Grand River and in Oaxaca, Mexico.
"In October 2007, [at a] conference organized by the National Indigenous Congress & the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN) in Sonora, Mexico, Indigenous delegates from 'BC' met & set the dates of the [2010 anti-Olympic] convergence [4 Vancouver]"
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