40 million US jobs were lost in the EARLY STAGES of #lockdowns, w/ an est. 42% "believed to be gone for good".

That's 16-17 million jobs - in 1st round - gone for good.

Billionaires Ivanka #Trump & Marc #Benioff discussing "reskilling revolution":
Luca Visentini, trade #unionist, General Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation:

" #Jobs will be destroyed & new types of jobs will be created, but 90% of these new jobs [] are very low remunerated, & very low protected."

2016: "40% of EU citizens have no or very low #digital skills & 90% of jobs will soon require a good level of digital literacy."

#GND #GGND #EUGreenDeal #GreatReset #PovertyEconomy

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