I don't do resolutions exactly, but I have personal projects that fit into bigger long-term goals. In 2021 these will revolve around:

- food security
- reducing dependence on oil
- people power
- Indigenous governance

Here's how it works:
B.C. currently produces less than half the food we need in a year. We rely heavily on California for fresh produce. And many of our food production practices (like commercial salmon fishing) are not sustainable. So my big, long-term goal is that we can feed everyone.
On a personal level, my projects are all about learning what that might take. Things like:

- trying to eat stuff in season
- supporting local producers
- trading w/ neighbours
- gardening
- preserving food
- helping w/ farm chores
- butchering
- foraging, hunting, fishing
Next is oil. Obviously the big goal is to run our whole society without fossil fuels. Individual choices aren't going to get us there. But household-level projects can help us think about energy in different ways, and imagine what's needed on a much bigger scale.
For example:

- insulating my home
- reducing non-essential travel, especially on airplanes
- supporting and advocating for public transit
- reducing reliance on food and plastic things from far far away
As far as people power goes, I think our democracy is in real trouble. I would like to see a world where corporations are held in check by citizens through our public institutions. I want people to have a real say in decisions that affect them.
On a personal level that means:

- building face-to-face relationships with neighbours (from 2m away)
- listening to a broad range of perspectives and opinions
- supporting youth, who have the most at stake
- learning more about different forms of democracy
Which brings us to Indigenous governance. I would like to live in a place where Indigenous cultures, languages, worldviews and systems of government are thriving. Where decisions on the land are made by the people who live there and hold responsibility for their territories.
For me that means supporting the assertion of those rights and the reemergence of Indigenous governance however I can, including:

- frontline land defence
- territory access and monitoring
- Indigenous-led science projects
- language learning
- food security projects
At the same time I have a lot of work to do learning about my own province's history, the trauma inflicted by B.C. and Canadian government policies – and trying to unlearn the colonial worldview that justifies things like land theft, residential schools, police brutality etc.
That means some uncomfortable work re-thinking my own relationship to things like:

- land and water
- family and neighbours
- private property
- debt, money and capital

But interestingly, all of this overlaps with my other interests in food security, energy and people power.
So yeah, these are not New Year's resolutions. They're projects that push incrementally toward long-term goals, some of which may be outside the scope of my lifetime.

Which means I can put them down and come back to them, guilt-free. And – no gym membership required.
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