Dulu masa sekolah menengah i selalu kena bash dengan seniors and member satu batch. sebab dorang cakap i selalu jeling dorang. i got so confused sebab i pelik bila masa i jeling dorang?? i tak ingat pun.
but these few days i baru sedar yang mata i nampak macam i tengah jeling or judge orang even when im just looking without judging. like i tengok orang tapi nampak macam i tengah jeling. tengok gambar atas hahaha macam i tengah judge orang kat situ lol tapi i tengah usya menu je
tbh i really had a very fcking terrible highschool memories that i dont even want to remember. tapi tu lahh we cant delete memories :(
and now i rasa sangat sangat insecure dengan mata i and muka i. sebab ramai selalu cakap muka i sombong, garang, muka macam i menyampah dekat orang. mak i pun cakap macam tu. 🤣 it does make me feel horrible and lack of confidence. but its okayy im used to it :p
its a not important thread pun. dia macam tetiba rasa nak tweet tweet tak guna ni. so thank you sapa baca sampai habis hahahaha ❤️
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