antifa thugs have been looting and rioting across our nation for several months now.

who sets up and funds these riots?
what is the purpose of them?
who financially benefits from them?

let’s take a deep dive👇🏽
the real question is, why are all the riots happening in places known as “opportunity zones” across states?

also, why is it the same kind of stores getting hit over & over?
it’s because they target cities with a federal reserve bank.

they destroy businesses in these opportunity zones to allow big banks & big corps to swoop in and buy up the destroyed business without paying capital gains tax.

every city with riots follows the exact same pattern.
a few stores that are in on it:

starbucks, target, autozone

all 3 chains have been plagued with looters, and all 3 support the riots and potentially finance the leaders/organizers.
something else to think about:

starbucks, for example, doesn't franchise its own stores.

the corporation owns them.

this means the corporation can absorb the loss for pushing the agenda.

franchisees aren't in for the cause and will flee if the damage is too much.
but “starbucks” isn't the common factor...

it's location - within opportunity zones.

after the riots, you have a ton of other businesses that are destroyed in town.

now they can all be bought by big corps and tech giants for pennies on the dollar, scamming us in the process.
Disaster Capitalism:

the practice of taking advantage of a major disaster to adopt liberal economic policies that the population would be less likely to accept under normal circumstances.
they can also use the damage to put money directly in their pockets
from insurance claims.

far more than from what their failing stores have made in the last 10 months of shutdowns.

corporate then picks those assets at a cheaper value and benefits from the tax deductions.
this whole “antifa riot” era is ALOT more than regular thugs protesting...

it’s flash mobs of paid civilians that are orchestrated at the highest levels of democratic corruption.

always follow the money....
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