This is something I’ve felt as of late on here. This is merely my self-perception of it.

As many of you know, I haven’t participated much in fandom discourse on a large level here mainly b/c it’s incredibly taxing and not worth it (1/)
to me. I’m fairly meh on fighting the fight here on this app both b/c of my non-confrontational self and b/c of the “going down the rabbit hole” nature of this app. However, to those participating in that drama daily and fighting against the toxicity in the SW fandom: I see (2/)
you and I support you, even if I don’t directly jump into the convo. If I’ve “disappointed” ANY of you b/c I haven’t participated in this fight especially with the somehow large following I’ve gotten (don’t how the fuck that still happened), I am sorry. I could throw out all (3/)
the excuses in the world foravoiding it/you could call me all the names for not supporting “SW fans in this fight”. But it comes down to this: that’s *really* not who I am and I am not well-spoken on these matters. Many of you that I follow get to the heart of the matter (4/)
more articulately than I ever could and I incredibly appreciate that. But one place I hold dear to my heart is @taoswf. For those unaware, TAOSWF is a FB group where our mission is to discuss SW in a positive, constructive, and respectful light. We strive to leave out the (5/)
blatant negativity that permeates throughout the fandom. We run a tight ship. I am merely one of the admin team there that runs the group efficiently and makes sure that it’s a positive and welcoming place for SW fans. If you need a group to chat about SW w/o worrying about (6/)
being called “not a true fan” or being insulted b/c you share a different SW opinion to someone, TAOSWF is the group for you. We don’t tolerate gatekeepers, and people who bash SW left and right. We take out the trash. This group helped me get back (7/)
SW and they’re the main reason I’m such a nerd with SW now. Tbh, this thread was a long time coming for me. For those that read it all, thank you. I do appreciate it. (8/8)
You can follow @DepaBanana.
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