An important message from Leon Trotsky, Founder of the International Committee of the Fourth International: (thread)
Not Hollow Preaching – But Clear Cut Slogans!
(7 November 1935)
More faith in ourselves, in our forces and in the future!
Let the philistines howl about the tactlessness, the brashness and exaggerations of the youth. Cadres of the revolutionary party have never yet been educated either in the ballet schools or in diplomatic chancellories.
The revolution is not only “tactless”but it is ruthless when need arises. That is why Messrs. Bourgeois hate Leninism (with Stalinism they get along not so badly). The social-patriots translate the bourgeoisie’s fear into the language of sanctions, expelling young Bolsheviks
from the party,while the centrist philistines curse on this account – the Fourth International.This need not worry us.All those processes take place in the thin layer of the bureaucracy and the workers’ aristocracy. One must look deeper into the masses that languish in the chains
of the crisis, hate their slave owners, desire struggle, are capable of struggle and have already made their first assault. These masses do not need hollow preaching on unity, not the false “tactfulness” of the salon, but clear-cut slogans and courageous leadership.
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