Why Sonny’s dad will not make Son turn into Aubamafraud when he signs da ting a thread:
1. His dad is the main reason why he will never turn into a fraud. I mean just look at him😭😭😭
2. Insane work ethic

To this day Son still trains with his dad and this is just a small clip of what he does... even son can’t keep up💀
3. Insane work ethic (continued)

Just an example of how scary Son’s dad is:

Son: “I’ve had an experience of doing ball lifting 4 hours in a row because I made some prank during a match. After 3 hours my eyes were bloodshot for looking at the ball...”
4. No marriage

Just another example of commitment:

Heung Min Dad really blocked Son from having any relationship just so he can focus on football... I know my brotha is starving especially when he’s from South Korea 🇰🇷😭
5. Army

Not relevant with his dad but cmon mf really went to the army. He has ACTUAL SHOTS ON TARGET😭😭😭. In all seriousness this was def life changing and made his mentality even stronger.
Overall his dad will help Son throughout the good times and the bad times. I’m sure he is in good hands and I can def see him play till his late 30’s with us as his dad will make him more fit than ever.

Respect Heung Min Dad

End of thread likes and retweets appreciated😁
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