Hello everyone and Happy New Year! 🥳

As you may know, Pouët has turned 20 last year, and we thought it'd be fun to look at some of the #demoscene trends the site has observed in that timeframe, organized and visualized!

Strap in, [THREAD] starts here!
1/ First and most important: Is the scene dead?

Judging by the number of prods released each year, no! Naturally the pandemic in 2020 didn't help matters, but there is a solid average of 1300 Pouët-worthy prods each year!
2/ Secondly, there are still enough #demoparties each year to have one every weekend - again, COVID obviously lowered that number last year, but it was still well above 50!
3/ So what platforms are most demos made on nowadays?

Like most of the world, @Windows is the most popular, but the "good ol' machines" are still holding up, and the C64 has been slowly eating into the hegemony...
4/ ...so much so that in the last two years, the #Commodore64 has overtaken Windows entirely!
5/ Naturally, the #Amiga is just as alive, and there's an interesting switch: In the last decade, the "classic" Amiga 500 demos have began vastly outnumbering the demos on the ostensibly more performant A1200.

Why do you think that is? Sound off below!
6/ On the other front, #Atari is still holding up, with a roughly even number of 16- and 8-bit demos each year, with the occasional Atari console demo thrown in.
7/ And in the legendary rivalry, while Atari had an upper hand in the mid-00s, the resurgence of A500 demos has solidified the Amiga's lead.
8/ On the 8-bit front, of course, there's no contest - the C64 vastly prods outnumber the Atari 8-bit prods.
9/ In what's perhaps the third largest pool of 8-bit platforms, there's always a solid number of classic #ZXSpectrum demos, with the occasional "modern ZX" demo as well.
10/ Among PC platforms, #Linux and #macOS is still present and battling for a podium place behind Windows and MS-DOS.
11/ However, it's worth noting that around half of the releases on those platforms are either ports from Windows or are eventually ported.

Notably, nearly all "pure macOS" released in 2020 came from @aliatraces
12/ There's still a solid scene on #MSDOS; it is little surprise though that by this point almost all of it consists of tiny intros.
13/ On the web side of things, the release of @threejs_org turbocharged the amount of #JavaScript releases; #Java continues to exist, and as we all know one of the sad casualties of 2020 was #AdobeFlash.
14/ Anyone remember #Alambik - the OG "fantasy platform"? The new kids in town #Pico8 ( @lexaloffle) and #TIC80 ( @tic_computer) have both lunged in and will probably conquer and divide the market.
15/ ...and speaking of "fantasy platforms", demoscene interest in #Android and #iOS still continues to be a fantasy.
16/ Let's talk types next.

There's a relatively even split between various types of intros, with tiny intros and #4k intros holding the most solidly, and #64k having both better and worse periods...
17/ ... but the most popular category is still the #demo.
18/ In the "miscellaneous" bin, the #musicdisk and #diskmag category slowly but surely made way to #procedural graphics. Neither of them are dead yet, but the loss of diskmags is even more staggering when visualized.
19/ All of those pale in comparison, however, to the amount of wild demos and games released.
20/ Finally, let's talk a bit about Pouët itself.

Over the two decades of service, the amount of new users registered has seen a mild decline, and only about half of users who create an account ever make a comment.

(Note: Before 2014 our spam prevention was pretty atrocious.)
21/ There's considerably less comments that are made compared to a peak around 2007 - whether this is the cause or the effect of the popularity of prods from that era is could be a good discussion to have.

What do you think?
22/ And finally to put a statistically proven end to an oft repeated accusation: Is Pouët a negative place?

No! Positive votes, and even neutral votes/comments on prods VASTLY outnumber negative votes!

So why take the risk and make a demo? There's a whole new decade waiting😎
PS/ Your turn @demozoo / @CSDb64 ;)
PS2a/ A lot of people zeroed in on the Windows-C64 graph, but it's worth mentioning an asterisk to this: A lot of those C64 prods are single-screen-scroller prods - the analysis is quantitative, not qualitative. https://twitter.com/viznut/status/1345090141753380870
PS2b/ That's not to say there aren't "quick and easy" prods on PC, but they're an order of magnitude less, and they are more typical to be targeted towards Pico-8 and JavaScript.
PS3/ "...why NOT take the risk..."

Damn. :) https://twitter.com/pouetdotnet/status/1345060810591244289
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