It’s a fun idea to be a “Big Twitter Account” but every big tweet I’ve had has ended to varying degrees w people saying weird\\mean shit to me and or others and I think the bigger you get the less of a person you are. So you are a Comedy Source not a person.
But I am a person. And I “shouldn’t care” but folks I shouldn’t care about lots of things but I’m mentally ill and also just a person so I do. But I like being funny and I like maki g strangers laugh and it makes me feel good about myself until it doesn’t
And I’m a pig man from power rangers in a helmet I can’t IMAGINE what it’s like to be a woman and deal with this shit
This is all to say when (not if) I quit Twitter it’s because the shit outweighs the fun and yes I could keep it small but I also don’t want that either so its@my own fault??
The reasonable response to this (I’m serious) is if it makes you unhappy don’t do it so that’s probably what I’ll do! But that doesn’t make it fair.
I know I joke about this but I get DMs bc I fleet wii sports resort every day because literally it is the dumbest thing I can think to do and that’s why it’s funny but now the DMs happen as A Bit and they give me social anxiety and I don’t know if ppl making fun are mean or not
IN CONCLUSION I won’t delete everything bc I like what I’ve done here but some day probably soon I’m gonna be one of those accounts that just stops forever and no one knows why and that sucks
ADDENDUM: I am not trying to get ass pats I promise I live in a house and fuck my hot wife all the time I’m fine it just would be cool if Twitter were less shitty
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