Happy new year to the mothers. Those who survived pregnancy during a pandemic; those who attended hospital appointments on their own, who gave birth without the support they needed, who spent days or even weeks in a hospital bed broken and bruised and without the people they love
the pregnant women who went to work every day not knowing whether they might catch a life threatening disease; those who spent their maternity leave losing their mind to loneliness;
those who cared for their children during the first lockdown risking their career and their sanity whilst propping up society; those who have been pushed out and pushed to the edge by a system and employers who are incapable of recognising the extra load you are carrying.
2020 was the year we finally realised that the needs of pregnant women and mothers are sidelined and ignored, and 2021 is the year we will demand recognition, respect and change.
Last night we raised a glass to the mothers, all of the mothers, because without you we would not have survived this dreadful year. You’re amazing and you made it. You survived 2020; and if you can do that, you can do anything.
From Pregnant Then Screwed to mothers everywhere - thank you 🍻
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