A book and reading thread ... I see a few people sheepishly admitting they didn't read any books last year or read very few. I'm here to say that this is OK. We somehow elevate reading above other hobbies, as if we don't do this particular hobby, we're not smart or good enough...
But reading is a hobby. Not everyone loves it. Or they're tired from reading online all day (to be sure, you people ARE reading, just not books). Or, 2020 & its added stress and responsibilities ...
I share how many books I read because I enjoy having a goal and keeping track on GoodReads of the genres, what I liked/hated, and then talking that out with other bookworms. I never want to shame anyone ...
Now, if you aren't reading books but really, really want to, I have some tips. First, it can be hard to concentrate at first and you may have to fight against your social-media scattered brain (scary when you think about it) ...
As an employee, I read on my Metro commute, so at least 40 minutes a day + on my one-hour lunch break. That was a LOT of reading. When I went freelance in 2013, I lost all that and almost never read ...
A few yrs later I wanted to embrace reading again cuz I personally missed it a lot. So, I had to form new habits. At first, it was really hard to concentrate. I couldn't get lost in a book. I got distracted. I had to force myself to keep reading.This took 2-3 weeks to get over...
I also realized that I read better and enjoy it more if it is an actual physical book, not Kindle, not my phone, not audiobooks. But all of those are forms of reading, so try them out and choose what works best for you ...
Also, figure out the time that works best for you. I chose right before bed, in my PJs. But that puts some people to sleep. Would early morning work better? Reading via audiobook while you cook dinner? Blocking off 20 min. on your calendar to read in the afternoon? ...
I have now created a bedtime habit that I LOVE. If I'm reading a great book, I'll sometimes put myself to bed at 8:30 p.m. so I can read for two hours before going to sleep! But not everyone has that time ...
Reading is a hobby & habit like any other. I have a friend w/ 4 kids who reads a lot, but it's cuz that is a priority hobby for her. Another friend reads 100s of books a year, but he NEVER watches TV. (If I didn't watch TV, I'd read hours more a day, but that's not my goal.) ...
All of this is to say, please don't compare yourself or feel shame for not reading. It's not for everyone, and that's OK. But if you do want to up your reading, it takes a plan and habit formation, and it won't necessarily feel like joy immediately. Happy New Year!
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