Why isn’t anti-racism the way forward? Because it’s not a simple matter what what the two words mean. Anti-racism as it’s presently understood is all about dismantling the entire Western societal system. It defines the scientific method, rationality, the protestant work ethic,
2/ meritocracy, individual rights, and limited government as tools of whiteness and white supremacy. Therefore on their reckoning, the only way to dismantle racism is to repudiate all of those items. The claim is those very things themselves make it impossible for there to be
3/ racial equality. Honestly, this kind of thinking is sick and demented in my opinion. Those items that are counted as inherently racist are actually products of the Judeo-Christian worldview (a biblical worldview). These are gifts of the Christian worldview developed over 1500
4/ years of history. The notion of limited government that protects individual rights has roots going back to both Athens and Rome, but even more specifically to the law of Moses. Furthermore, in it’s current form & development, it started in 13th century England with the
5/ limitation of King John via the Magna Carta and the reforms of King Henry creating trial by jury. It was added upon by King Edward instituting the model parliament in the 14th century. All of these developments began well before there was widespread European interaction with
6/ Africa. Due to ensuing political turmoil in England in which its people and Parliament resisted despotic rule, the politics progressed even further with the English Bill of Rights (1689). This was the raw material that the enlightenment political philosophers we’re looking at
7/ when they developed their social contract theory of government. Looking at England’s two branch system of government, thinkers in both Great Britain and France assumed England was providing the way forward in terms of the social contract. Montesquieu combined what he saw in
8/ England with what the ancient Romans crafted in their original republic in the fifth century BC. Montesquieu articulated that the most efficient government that would increase human flourishing and limit despotic power was a three branch system of government with checks and
9/ balances. None of this developed as a means to racially oppress people. James Madison was highly influenced by Montesquieu, and so after the articles of confederation failed, he proposed the Virginia plan which with some modification became our current constitution. Lately
10/ I’ve seen a Bourbon drinking anti-racist disparage the constitution as being in his words a crappy document prior to the 14th amendment. And undoubtedly, there were some moral problems in the Constitution (3/5 compromise and slavery). But as far as constitutions go, it blows
11/ away anything that came before or after. Furthermore, the Framers had the wisdom to include the amendment process by which we could correct their mistakes and improve the Constitution without destroying it or the principles of limited government. My point is the very things
12/ the anti-racists say must be destroyed in order to eradicate racism are things that actually have little to do with racism. These are the things that indeed have made America exceptional. Our exceptionalism can’t be denied because on every metric of world records, wealth, and
13/ global power we outperform everyone. But at the same time this does not mean our nation has not been guilty & complicit in exceptional wickedness. Slavery, Jim Crowe, nativism, etc are all satanic. But the protestant work ethic, the scientific method, rationality, and limited
14/ government is not what created those satanic things. Instead sinful and hateful human beings were the gate keepers of various institutions and wrongly used their power and majority to marginalize people. On one level, this became de jure, and can only be fixed by the changing
15/ of laws. Many of those laws have been changed, but I am sure there are others to be discovered, and when they are, our system has the flexibility to make those changes. On another level, it’s de facto, which stems from the heart of individuals and cultural opinion (bigotry is
16/ not only an individual matter, but is reinforced by the social group). And you cannot change that by legislation or even a revolution. It’s so wrong headed on so many levels. In light of this, I believe racism can be mitigated through a change in law and a proclamation and
17/application of gospel principles. The gospel can change the heart of individuals, and the church actually stepping up as a prophetic witness can speak against the sinful thinking of the larger social group). Racial harmony will not be achieved by the anti-racists, because they
18/ simply want to attack all the wrong things which proves to the rest of us that for them it’s all about power. When they try to absolve themselves of the charge of Marxism, they’re not fooling anybody. They want a revolution in which the current system is entirely overthrown
19/ and then the marginalized become the power brokers in the new system, and supposedly will lead everyone to equity. This kind of thing hasn’t worked anywhere it’s ever been tried. So beware of the anti-racists. Beware of the Christians who try to tell you that you are gravely
20/ immoral if you are not an anti-racist. It’s actually quite the opposite. You can oppose racism and bigotry apart from the radical wickedness of anti-racists. Don’t let them tell you otherwise.
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