FWIW, I'm probably fine.

I'm not trying to be a drama queen here. I get sick for no reason ALL the time. Sometimes my immune system reacts to simple cold viruses with hives and angioedema. I have "persistent immune system overactivity" that's insofar escaped diagnosis. https://twitter.com/KaraCalavera/status/1345041888693391361
I'm the reason why 'yinz' need to wear fuckin' masks.
It's also why Americans need to rethink their whole system in general, and I've harped on this for years. Americans, especially those in the service industry, need to be able to take sick days with pay and without threat of being fired.
I was even a bit dismissive of Covid at first because how everything was currently working could have already killed me thrice over. Someone sneezing on my sammich could have given me a cold that could've caused my body to react by tossing out histamines all over the place.
The American Way is to refuse the people who have the most interaction with the American public a couple days of to (1) recover from illness and (2) prevent those same people from infecting the public they care for on a daily basis.
I'll dig back into my Twitter and Facebook history tomorrow and grab some receipts on this. This is something I've been adamant about pointing out for YEARS.
A couple years ago, I suggested that we could sell this to liberals and conservatives alike using different tactics. Liberals care about the workers more; conservatives have low disgust thresholds (numerous peer-reviewed studies show this).
We should've--and still can--take a multi-pronged approach to selling the idea of sick time for workers. The same micro-targeting that was used in 2016 makes this even easier.
You can't use Covid for it. Trump's already inoculated them against the threat of Covid. Plus, it's not "disgusting" enough.

Some ads of workers with gastroenteritis puking and shitting and then going into work to handle food should take care of that.
You can follow @KaraCalavera.
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