Study - practice - teach .

How you can learn ANYTHING through S-P-T.
You'll agree with me that Learning can be difficult. But it shouldn't be.

I think lack of approach is the reason we struggle to master learning. Let's look for a solution. Shall we?
I'll be letting you in on one of the most effective methods in learning : S-P-T.

I will try to explain as much as I can without being too wordy.

Your retweets , additions, and corrections are appreciated. Let's go!
How do you learn?

1. Study

How do you study? By getting to take in as much relevant information as possible on a topic. Mind you, I said relevant.

Not all materials are "material enough" to give you enough insight on a topic.
Most are are a product of recycled knowledge. The problem is that for every recycled version, there are always vital bits of info left out from the main source.

Without these tiny bits of information, that material is not relevant. Here's how I know if a material is relevant:
1. It's suggested more than once by people.
2. Summaries, notes and takeaways of others from this material are great.
3. I know this author, have heard them speak, or know about their previous work.
You study by reading, taking notes, and asking questions.

This is the easiest way to learn about anything.
2. Practice

I think practice in this convo has a two-fold meaning :

A. Practice to perform.
B. Practice to improve.

When you practice to perform, you want to win.

When you practice to improve, you want to grow.

Let me explain.
Practicing to perform is tying your growth to results. It's very difficult to grow like this

It's either win or nothing,

When you practice to improve, you tie your growth to a process. This process is called deliberate practice.
Think of it this way — you're a
an amateur soccer player looking to "be a better midfielder".

Well, that's good— the midfield is the engine of a team.

What's not good is mindless repetition— days and days of doing the series of training and drills expecting a different outcome.
Mindless repetition prepares you for a moment, a performance.

Deliberate practice on the other hand, involves identifying weaknesses in your current skill set and training to strengthen those weaknesses by making changes where necessary. This my friend, is true growth.
1 hour of deliberate practice > 5 hours of mindless repetition.

3. Teaching

Seneca once said "Docendo discismus"

This means "we learn when we teach"

In all walks of life, this is true.

Don't you agree?
Teaching is a superior form of learning.



If you are to teach a concept, you will work harder to understand the basic and complex stuff in this concept.

When you teach, you easily recall and effectively apply knowledge on this topic. Triggering longevity.
Teaching gives you knowledge by letting you elaborate the material, and monitor your understandings and misunderstandings on the topic.

It also builds high self-efficacy and confidence.

Teaching is golden.
If you want to learn

Practice (Deliberate)

All the best!
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