Spent the first day of 2021 the same way I spent most of 2020: walking around Berlin looking at stuff
Today’s discovery: you can just walk right into the abandoned half of the Berlin-Schönholz station
This is my third winter in Berlin and today is the first time I’ve seen snow on the ground
This thread is now just four random things I saw in Berlin every day (today: rainbows and antifa from a walk around Ernst-Thälmann-Park)
Today’s update: early morning Niederschönhausen ride to my favorite birch grove and second favorite Soviet memorial in Berlin
First proper bike ride of the year today, out to Blankenfelde
Day 7: afternoon hike around Alexanderplatz and Kollwitzkiez
This morning’s Berlin sightseeing was pretty boring, definitely a good excuse to mute this thread if somehow you haven’t already
Found a poem on a fence (“WALK THROUGH THIS TOWN AT A GRAY HOUR”)
Day 10: Wedding
Felt like a good day for a ride out to Treptower Park
Day 14: Berlin-Pankow to Pankow-Heinersdorf
From my favorite corner of the Panke this morning
Quoting Tucholsky on a wall overlooking a military cemetery is the most Berlin thing and I love it
I really want to know the story of this school bus I saw today in Weißensee
Everyone: you can be either a pirate-themed bike shop or a tropical-fish-themed bike shop, you can’t do both

This Berlin bike shop: no
I’ve never been inside the Stadtbad Oderberger but I love the exterior:

✅ cool neon sign
✅ giant mural with a car getting stomped
✅ some mermaids giving a bear a bath
Visited Viktoriapark for the first time ever today and the highlight was probably saucy Hercules on the left here because the waterfall is just a depressing muddy mess right now
Florastraße, Soldiner Kiez
Berlin actually had a sunrise this morning! With sunlight! And then immediately shifted back into rainy grey hellscape of course
As an irony-poisoned American I often find Berlin outrage hard to parse, like I have no idea whether this “Long live Edeka” I saw this morning is a joke or not
Holzmarkt and the bank of the river across from Holzmarkt is more like Austin than anywhere in the world I’ve ever been, maybe even including Austin
Today I found the most Berlin graffiti pairing (“KILL NAZIS” / “WASH HANDS”) and also the very worst statue in Berlin
This morning: Gethsemanekirche and Helmholtzplatz (also Pizza-Hütte)
Today: snow, sunshine, Wet Triangle
Wrapping this project up today. I know it’s probably been annoying, but it also forced me to go outside and look at things every day for a whole month in the middle of this godawful Berlin winter, so
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