A friend of mine stocked up on the 'quine while it was available. His father-in-law was stricken with Sars-cov2. Friend urged admin of the 'quine. Because his wife and her mother and sisters thought 'quine, a regularly prescribed anti-malarial was dangerous, they refused. .
You know how this story ends already. I think I'd divorce my wife if she let her father die when I had offered the cure.
She ended up contracting, still refused to take 'quine, and passed Sars-cov2 on to my friend. Now he's treating himself. We had gone to so much effort in early 2020 to secure medicine for those we care about. For someone close to die because of the disinformation campaign.
I have a doctor friend, not a Jill Biden Dr, but a real MD, who I gave 'quine to. She told me in May that she didn't believe it worked. I asked her if she read the studies, she hadn't. Even the medical community buys into the false narratives.
Another treatment is Losartan. I had bought a months supply in TJ for $5, in February. I had researched it in preparation for H1N1 as a means of preventing cytokine cascade. I told a doctor, and he made some note suggesting I was a nut. Now studies show that even Losartan helps
I didn't make these potential therapies up myself. I spent weeks researching on the NIH website. Reading papers, looking at clinical studies. I have zero formal training in even biology. At UCSD I studied Mathematics. Each of the treatments I thought would help, did. Why?
This year has lead me to question what is really going on in medicine. We have been lied to and manipulated so much. We are expected to blindly trust physicians, drug companies, people like Fauci. Who then lie to us, and let people die.
Sars-cov2 was weaponized by politicians, and the medical community. I hope that when the Public understands the gravity of what took place, the depth of betrayal, the scope of concealment and deception, that those responsible will be held to account.
In 2020 we had about 10% fewer deaths than in 2019 or 2020 in the United States, despite a "Pandemic." Many people did not get medical care. What if medical care itself was killing people? The Medical Community has some explanation to give.
Now Ivermectin has demonstrated promise. YouTube is deleting Senate testimony from a MD, a pulmonologist [lung doctor], that came up with a protocol, backed by peer reviewed studies.
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