Why is it so hard for Americans to accept WE have been the bad guys for nearly a CENTURY? I served in the Marines, was deployed to Iraq TWICE, came back with PTSD and other issues, and I followed the heart-breaking truth and accepted it. #HappyNewYear2021
Now I do what I can to make things right, even if it is not much, by exposing the parasitical elite that sent us into these special-interest wars that got our men/women killed, along with the millions of innocent civilians. All for what? What FREEDOMS did YOU get? NOTHING!
Look at your country now! LOOK AT IT! Because of all these wars, you've actually LOST FREEDOM: the Patriot Act, NDAA, and the rest of it. We also DESTROYED sovereign nations and gave them "freedom," yet look at them now. Are they better or worse off because of us?
And yes, you have the freedom to consume endless amounts of harmful things that poison your mind and body. Sure, you can cry infinite victimhood and people are stupid enough to play along. Sure, you can give left overs to you pet while children starve because of our sanctions.
You are free to war against yourself, your fellow citizens, and reality itself! You are so much better than the rest of the world: AMERICAN EXCEPTIONALISM! Yet we are the DUMBEST, UNHEALTHIEST, AND MOST DELUDED NATION ON EARTH. "But that GDP tho! "But, but the Constitution!"
Sure the govt is limited by the Constitution, but your REAL masters—the Bankers, MSM, Military-Industrial Complex, Big Pharma, and the rest of the Corporate Gang—are not, and in fact, use the State's force to CENSOR YOU, OPPRESS YOU, ROB YOU, and ENSLAVE YOU AND YOUR CHILDREN.
Our enemies were NEVER out there; they have always been HERE among us ON BOTH THE LEFT AND THE RIGHT, in BOTH PARTIES, IN ALL OFFICES, AND IN EVERY FACET OF GOVT AND CORPORATE AMERICA. These parasites must be removed, but you cant do that if you are duped by their lies. WAKE UP.
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