Ending a 9 year relationship in the fall of 2019 meant that 2020 held potential for fresh start, new place of my own, new opportunities, rebuilding.

Or as I was to find out... way way way too much time in an apartment alone with my thoughts 😐
Reflections on 2020 as told by the books I read 🧵
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When #DoomScrolling became a 24/7 hobby in March I started reading before bed as a way of destressing and distracting myself.

I managed to read 15 books this year. Mainly non-fiction. Here's a selection:
Range @DavidEpstein
As a non-trad medical trainee I hold dear that my meandering life has made me a better doctor.

This 📘 examines many instances of outsiders bringing diverse skills and new perspectives in business, science, sports.
Blood - Douglas Starr
Anesthesiologists are among the top providers of blood products in medicine.

This 📘 looks at hx of blood product development and banking. I was wowed by the apparent role of blood banks in the Allied forces victories in WW2.
The Spy and the Traitor - Ben Macintyre
One of my days in Resp clinic involved an animated convo about books with my staff and patient. This one got props.

It reads like spy fiction but is a true story. Totally wild. Cold war espionage. Need I say more? 🥸
Culture Code - @DanielCoyle
I have an obsession with looking for signals of psychological safety in my day-to-day resident life.

This 📘 goes a step further to ID how we create culture (good or toxic) everyday. Relationships are key. Very cool read!
How to Change Your Mind - @michaelpollan
Read this in March lockdown. Was feeling introspective.

A comprehensive tale of psychedelics past and present. I most appreciated the connection to neurosci, the default mode network and its role in anxiety d/o 🧠
In Shock - @RanaAwdish
Spring redeployment and working in ICU caring for #COVID19 patients, this incredible reflection helped me process some of the heartache I was seeing everyday.

Highly recommend. Beautifully written intersection between medicine and human experience.
Why We're Polarized - @ezraklein
Distance cycling to podcasts was an escape in the summer. I discovered Ezra Klein's book this way.

Incredibly relevant. Examination of how changing demographics and slow drift gets us to where we are today 😐
Between the World and Me - Ta-Nehisi Coates
Watching the #BLM movement spark action I paused to consider how I interact with my world.

Beautifully written. An essay to his son, this provides ample reflection on the privilege provided by a white body.
Make It Stick - Brown, Roediger, and McDaniel
I started studying for my #RC exam. @EvePurdy recommended this book for pearls on how to studying smarter.

Moreover, I'm a #MedEd nerd so I love this stuff.

It delivers. Clear examples of how for learning easy is not better.
Atomic Habits - @JamesClear
Picked this up in Nov as I was reflecting on personal growth of 2020 and how best to keep momentum in 2021.

Stack your habits. Small changes require time and patience to see results. Cue - Craving - Response - Reward
Teams That Work - Tannenbaum and Salas
@WorkFearlessly was a favourite read of 2019 so I am forever hunting for similar gems.

This is an org psychology goldmine. Seven drivers of teams:
- Capability
- Cooperation
- Coordination
- Communication
- Cognition
- Coaching
- Conditions
Hoping I can continue to expand my world through books in 2021 (while also studying too, I promise).

I recommend all of these! And am always looking for suggestions.
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