@eyejosh I started a Tweet went to a second tweet and it all disappeared
So try again... We have a an excellent option to end this Govt and perhaps the whole Parliament

It revolves around my beef that Vote Leave Broke the Law in the Referendum - 2
2/ The Electoral Commission investigated Vote Leave after a Complaint - they needed 3 x attempt before finding that Vote Leave had formed a company BeLeave with the specific intent to have extra spending of £700,000 in the last days of the run up to the Vote 3/
3/ Electoral Commission found Vote Leave had Broken Electoral Law which was their authority and fined V_L max Fine . E-C also found further "more serious offences" and as the Report states these were referred to Met Police for investigation 4/
4/ Take the Breaking Electoral Law = crime, as a group they agreed/took part in / Aided and Abetted the crime --

"an agreement between two or more persons to commit a crime or to accomplish a legal purpose through illegal action"

Criminal Conspiracy - Electoral Law -- 5/
5/ The "Serious Offences" referred to the Met Police were ignored - 6 months -- then Met {Police sat on for 12 months - Peers X Party forced Met Police to pass the E-C Files of evidence of Serious Offences to the Crown Prosecutions -

Files so serious that will be the DPP. 6/
6/ So @eyejosh we have a situation, we are 5 years after the Serious Offences were committed -- they were found by the E-C and referred to Met Police = No action
Passed to Crown Prosecution Service = no action taken
Director of Public Prosecutions = no decision taken 7/
7/ It can be seen that 2.5 years has elapsed - from the evidence being referred to Met Police

These Files have not been placed in the Public Domain,

Vote Leave have not been Admonished - there has not

been any statement about the Offences/ or a Police investigation
8/ It can be seen in a Legal sense that the Serious Offences

committed by way of procuring the Referendum have not

been brought to a close by either Met Police or Crown

Prosecution ...... 9/
9/ If the Criminal actions procured the Referendum and Brexit, then IMO it can be seen that for 2.5 years the crimes of Vote Leave have been ongoing - Met Police/ CPS have not brought the crime to an end,

Now lets look at one fact- the E-C Report ..
10/ The Electoral Commission Reported to Parliament - it was part of the Duties of each MP to read the Report and know what had happened - Vote Leave Broke Electoral Law
MPs took no action- Official Opposition - No Action

Criminal Conspiracy - £450,000 overspend - nothing 11/
11/ It can be seen that whilst the Met Police/CPS have a Duty in Law in respect of alleged crimes - it is for Parliament to Oversee that duty - in particular in this case for the Official Opposition to have held the Met Police/CPS to account - 12/
12/ Failure or deliberate - it matters not, the fact remains that the Body Parliament - 600+ MPs had a duty as individuals and as the Body Politic to uphold the Law- 2.5 years, knowing that there were outstanding offences at the centre of Brexit Legislation is a major issue 13/
13/ Major Constitutional issue -

{Parliament has been dealing with legislation being presented to parliament by the people, who it is alleged committed serious offences, it can be seen that the Brexit legislation is part of the ongoing serious offences.

14/ It is absolutely clear the Met Police/Crown Prosecution Service have not brought any closure to the Vote Leave criminal Offences/actions which it is alleged took place involved in the Referendum - therefore the criminal actions to get Brexit must remain "ongoing" 15/
15/ The Crime is ongoing - is it the case that all those MPs who have voted in favour of the brexit legislation have supported an ongoing crime ????

MPs had a Duty to read the E-C Report in 2018 either they failed in their duty or they knowingly supported these criminal actions
16/ Was the Brexit legislation illegal from 2018 onwards, it can be seen that brexit was the intended outcome of the crime - so has to be seen as the crime ongoing....

MPs voting in support = Aid and Abet a Crime - being in itself a Crime by those individual MPs
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