I liken this election much like a football game. The Libertyville MAGAs, the reigning Super Bowl champs are defending the final play of the game. They are up by six and the Washington Demons must score a touchdown with 3 seconds on the clock. From 21 yards out, QB Joey Robinus...
...must connect with someone in the end zone. Joey, a third string QB was elevated to this position when the other two quarterbacks vanished without a trace on a hunting trip last week. Fortunately for the Washington Demons, they have the best running game in the league...
...The thought was— if Joey can get the ball in the hands of running backs without fumbling it, the Demons have a good shot to win it. “Don’t Blow It Joey!” was the headline in Washington sports media. The advice of the day was simply to not get cocky, stay focused, and make...
...no mistakes. The Libertyville MAGAs, with the leagues best defense, were dominant in the first half capitalizing on the Demon’s play-calling confusion that led to a couple turnovers. But the Demon ground game kicked in high gear and forged a magical comeback...
...And now Joey knows there’s only time for one more play. It’s fourth down and it can’t be a run play. His only hope is a well-aimed pass to the end zone. Joey, a veteran backup QB with a weak arm and a tendency to throw inceptions, could never have imagined...
...he’d be in this position. He was of minimal contribution to the Demon success this year and now all eyes were on him to bring the glory. Over two billion people await his final snap. The Libertyville MAGAS tore through the league in predictable fashion— amassing...
...at one point, a perfect 12-0 record. Then the injuries came. The reigning Super Bowl champs lost a couple key defenders and lost three games in a row. Much blame was unfairly placed on the head coach due to these unfortunate circumstances. The two defenders...
...exceeded all expectations and recovered well enough in time for the playoffs The MAGAs showed no sign of weaknesses as they stormed their way through the playoffs with coach T. Donalus winning Coach-of-the-Year honors. 46 hut hut...
...hut, Joey takes the snap. His receivers are midway to the end zone before he even turns back around. He avoids one defender on the left and moves to his right. He see’s his opportunity—his man looks to stay open. A defender is quickly closing in...
...Joey cocks his arm, fires and barely gets the pass off through the defender. The clock had long stopped. This is it. The final spiral of the season and likely the end of Joey’s career. Joey’s man is no longer open— the end zone is crowded— a blur of frantic movements...
...Fortunately, Joey threw it a little high on an arc. Someone’s gonna catch this thing— but who? The 6 foot five man that’s who. His arms elevated above all and he snatched that ball like a lion on a gazelle. Falling hard to the ground with his legs kicked out...
...from under him, helmet crashing to the unforgiving turf. The crowd is momentarily frozen— does he have the ball? Some players thrust their fist in the sky and others put their hands in their faces. The announcer on tv screams...
...”he..he..he’s got it! he got it! he got it! Wow. The Demons are the Super Bowl champs”
“Unbelievable victory for Joey Robinus and the Washington Demons. This was not supposed to happen. A team that came from a...
...weak division, struggled through the playoffs with even the starting QBs—then here comes the most unlikely hero— Joe Robinus with a come from behind win in a dramatic final play. As far as sports stories go, it doesn’t get any better than this Troy”...
...”Oh I agree..I had a lot of great years with the Cowboys but nothing like this. This is special....oh wait, there’s commotion on the field as the Demons get ready to kick the extra point to seal the game. MAGA Coach T. Donelus looks visibly agitated”...
...”Oh boy..from the replay we can see a very clear holding penalty but it appears the extra point is going forward”.
“And the kick is good. So I’m not sure what’s going on here. But the game is over. I imagine there’s going to be some heated discussions over this. That holding, well...there’s no way he gets that pass off. I know people at home are seeing what I’m seeing”...
“I agree Troy. The referee did not call that penalty. If he did that would’ve been a repeat 4th down ball on 31 yard line. I hate to rain on Joey’s parade but when something is this obvious..well, they are bringing out the trophy now and you can hear boos in the stadium”...
...”This reminds me of the Houston Astro’s World Series win mired in controversy. Their win has an asterisk. I’m not claiming any funny business went on here..just the enforcers of the rules dropped the ball. MAGA fans are not going to accept this and are no doubt angry”...
...”ok let’s get a reaction from a MAGA fan at a Libertyville sports bar”. ————————————————“Is that ref working for the Demons? C’mon man, how do you miss that? And why was it allowed to stand? There were other bad calls earlier too,”...
...”what the hell is going on here?”
...OFFICIAL STATEMENT FROM NFL COMMISSIONER. “I understand people are disappointed with the outcome of the game—but we must all move on. We need to unify— come together and heal. Heal we must. And move on. We are not NFC teams or AFC teams, we are the teams of America”...
Radio Call-in Sports Show. “Thanks for taking my call. I gotta speak out. So I mention my MAGA team was cheated and now I’m banned from social media and my boss almost let me go cause some online nut told him I was a conspiracy theorist that might shoot up the workplace”.
“sports use to be the only thing we had that was real. An escape from all the manufactured stories. We can’t trust government, the news media and now they got our sports. If I don’t talk about the accepted narratives, my life could be ruined. I’m now watching Taiwanese badminton”
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