On the rapid lateral flow test debate: worth clarifying that this is a “red light” test - you do it regularly and frequently and rapidly when you think you haven’t got the infection to maybe find out unexpectedly that you have - and then if you have STOP!
But it’s not a “green light test”. You don’t do it to prove you haven’t got the infection and imagine that a negative result tells you you pose no risk to others. You need to go on being as careful as always.
Widespread, frequent self testing of asymptomatic people - especially those who are in frequent contact with others like school students - has the potential to detect many asymptomatic and pre-symptomatic cases and so prevent outbreaks and reduce transmission
..but only if people understand what the tests are for, what the results mean and what to do if they are positive and why. This is putting information and responsibility into people’s own hands and letting them help solve the problem - not just top down rules
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