Our Community Mobilizers are using crazy cool digital tools to sync their phone contacts with the voter file and get their friends and family to actually turn out to the polls and vote. They get swag pickups and special events.
These 2,000 young Georgians, who largely hadn't worked on political campaign before, have now added 80,000 of their friends and family to our network and we are seeing their rate of participation skyrocket.
Many of these part time staff members are doing this as a second job or while in school, which allowed us to reach folks who can't just drop everything and be on a campaign full time but would describe themselves as socially active. You have to make jobs like this accessible.
This is also incredibly important as we work to build something that lasts here in the state. Building a new bench of young, diverse, political activists in the state is the smart field and voter contact investment that this campaign is really driving.
One mobilizer to @theatlantavoice: "'First and foremost, it is a part of history as the change I seek.' He went onto say the training he received in the program will get young people in the mindset that Georgia can stay blue after the Senate runoff elections."

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