When a cabinet minister - esp. one in charge of our emergency response and vaccine roll out - takes a vacation out of the country during this roll out, people have to know. The Premier had to know. The minister has to assign responsibility while away. That person had to know.
Staffers knew. Other ministers working on vaccine roll out and coordinating it knew. The story isn’t @TracyAllardUCP going to Hawaii. It’s who knew and when. Who knew she went out of the country against provincial and federal health advice during our bungled vaccine rollout?
The fact that 29,000 doses should have already been administered and the fact that they have not shows that not only has the minister mishandled administering vaccines but that she also was ABSENT during key stages of this process. People are still waiting for their vaccinations!
Albertans are dying. We are all being asked to dig in, sacrifice a little bit more, make choices for the greater good because now is not a time to be selfish. Too bad personal responsibility doesn’t apply to UCP cabinet members who couldn’t even forego a vacation. #ableg #abpoli
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