Janus, god of thresholds and root of "January," is an interesting myth. Unlike most Roman gods imported from Greece (Zeus became Jupiter, Kronos Saturn, etc.), Janus popped up by himself, perhaps a holdover from Asia.

He is the guardian of gateways.

Today is Janus day.
Janus was created by Zeus/Jupiter to be a boy plaything of *Hecate* in the underworld, if I got that right. Not digging hell, Janus escaped across the river Styx. Various adventures ensued until he erred helping Kronos/Saturn, Jupiter's hated father. So Jupiter punished him.
Janus was given two faces and stuck at the threshold of heaven to guard the door. This story is a bit hopeful yet frustrating -- Janus started in Hades and ended up in Heaven. But only at the doorway.

But back to *Hecate*. Did you notice how this legend sweeps her aside?
Hecate was a female deity of keys, crossroads and eventually magic and witchcraft. She is the guardian of journeys, including our path after life.

While Janus has two faces, Hecate is depicted with three bodies, representing a manifold nature. She seems a more ancient entity.
Women's spiritual tales are older than men's, according to Monica Sjoo and Barbara Mor in The Great Cosmic Mother. Language likely arose among women, more useful to gather nonpoisonous plants or educate children while men ran off hunting, and thus myths began with women too.
Hecate vs. Janus illustrate how men coopted religion, pushed aside female and nature spirituality (Eve, Pandora, it's all their fault!) and made gods intellectual cloud beings. Isn't it interesting how women figures don't rank in most major religion hierarchies?
Joseph Campbell had a good thought: Myths are not meant to be believed, but instead are journeys we take to try to understand our world.

I like this myth of multifaceted Hecate who guides us on journeys vs. Janus just stuck at the door.

I like this idea of the feminine guide.
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