The biggest commitment I'm making to change in 2021 is to get better at scoping and project management.

I'm sick of

- my past year's accomplishments not being legible
- anxiety about planning a new project
- lack of faith in myself to finish a project
This might be arrogant to say, but I'm convinced that the difference between me and folks that have

- founded a successful biz/startup
- became an expert
- done really cool things

is just time and project management.

It's my achilles heel.
I'm also convinced that it's the highest leverage thing I could do for myself, PERIOD.

In general, and for my goals specifically (financial independence, contribute to society in a highly needle-moving way, be invited to podcasts other successful people have been on...)
So, today, I'm going to

- take an idea that I had a few days ago
- flesh out the dream version of it
- scope and 80/20 the SNOT out of it until it's doable in a few hours

And then, I'm going to execute until it's done.

Then, I'll write about it. :)
Ok, not gonna lie, it's 15 minutes since I wrote this thread and I haven't started yet. This is terrifying and the procrastination is STRONG.

Resisting the urge to jump on youtube and horse around.

DAMN THIS IS HARD. Ok, think, what's step 1? I just wrote it dummy. EXECUTE.
Confession. I had a BRIEF thought about deleting this thread and pretending it never happened.

Okay now I've got some momentum. Geez this really helps, thanks twitter!

Now I feel unstoppable.

Yes, I literally just went from feeling whiny, panicky, and powerless to cocky and in the zone in 2.5 seconds.

That's normal to me. Is that normal? Is that a thing?
Okay, I'm really going to get off twitter now. I'm committing to not tweet anything for at least another 30 minutes.
Awesome. I have a plan.

Well, I had some back-of-the-napkin ideas that I turned into an actionable protocol.

Starting that protocol right after I press the "Tweet" button. Will report back to see how my first attempt at proj mgmt turned out.
Okay, already ran into an issue. 😅

I looked at my "actionable protocol" and all I saw was a bunch of word vomit. Yikes, the same friction this project is trying to solve.

Next time I'm going to write step 1 in big bold letters at the very top of the page.
This is a much better plan
Encountered some resistance when it came to actually starting again, so I told myself I had to AT LEAST complete step 1 (make a git repo) before I could horse around.

I'm calling it Corey. Short for courier (like the folks that carry mail).
Okay, for some reason that was hard. I'm still trying to pinpoint where the friction is coming from.

Is it nervousness from doing this in public? Maybe

Am I not excited about this project? No, that's not it. I think this could be frikkin' amazing.

Hmm.. Thinking
Meanwhile, I'll take the dopamine hit. Step 1: Check!
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