Some resolutions you should make for online behavior this year:

1) Treat fighting on the Internet as unproductive amusement. Not necessarily bad, but there are much better ways to be amused.

2) Don't say anything online you wouldn't say to the person's face.
3) Post more questions than assertions. That is, make this thing a tool.

4) Have far more intimate/private correspondence than public.

5) When you disagree, explain instead of mocking, and especially don't try to get your followers to mob someone.
6) For God's sake, don't feed the trolls. Especially the ones who are trolling on purpose for the amusement of their audiences.

7) Recognize that sometimes when people disagree with you it's because *you are wrong*.
8) Almost always, you are better off getting news once a month, rather than obsessing over daily occurrences. (I need to get better about this)

9) When you don't know about something, don't say anything, unless it's to ask a question.
10) Read a goddamned book.
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