this is an excellent point, and something @LibertyFarmNH and I talk about all the time - we hit the homestead 6 years and 50 weeks ago, more or less, and had these huge visions of where we'd be, 9 months later.

Almost 7 years in, and we've accomplished 75% of 1 yr goals.

There's a benefit to going slow (and this ties back to @normonics point re "A Pattern Language"): going slow forces you to ( accidentally ! ) gather data before you complete your plans. Data about the land, your schedule and preferences, livestock...

Give a guy a $1M budget to hire labor etc, and he'll get his "ideal" homestead built in the first year.

...problem is, he'll _then_ realize that his ideals were wrong in several regards.

Going slow allows for the creation of Hayekian local knowledge.

Big budgets and fast speeds let you see [ and act ] like a Stalinist state with no feedback loops.
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