So, today is our birthday - one year ago we did our first collection outside @ManCity!

Armed with a borrowed gazebo, some boxes and enthusiasm, it's fair to say we weren't really sure where it would all go.

Some highlights to follow...
First and foremost, a big thank you to everyone @SFoodbanks who came and supported us on day one.

In particular, we received so much guidance, advice and encouragement from @DavefcKelly @IanByrneMP and @billyliar9 - all three are heroes.

We collected over 300kg that day
None of it would have been possible, particularly early on, without the people who came down to help us, including @superskally, @_maozebong, @EngancheMaxey and many more - thank you to everyone who helped out at the stand over the time we were there!
The other side of that is everybody's favourite villains - the journalists!

The number of people who came to see us and donate because they'd read articles by @SamLee, @spbajko, @JamieJackson___ and others early doors was enormous. Thanks to all the journos
In February, City Men had no home games thanks to a storm and the glorious Carabao.

We collected at Women's games instead and the reaction from fans and players couldn't have been warmer (on some exceptionally cold days)

Some of our biggest days were at women's games!
We went to visit our friends at @mufcfoodbank around this time as well.

As much as we wish misery on United when it comes to football, off the pitch it's a different story because #HungerDoesntWearClubColours

Can't wait for the return visit one day!
We were also pleased to work with @ManCity and @ManUtd who contributed £50,000 each to the Manchester branches of Fans Supporting Foodbanks and made a big difference to people in the region - thanks to all behind the scenes at both clubs who made this happen!
We'd like to concentrate on the fans' impact here too. City fans from across the world - from America to India to Australia and more - donated time and money alongside their Mancunian comrades to help the most vulnerable in our city.

It has been such a pleasure meeting you all
Special mentions here to @mancitydiscord, @howiehok3434, @MarkMmmac, @thegingerwig, @tanyadavis, @NoisyPod, @9320pod, @TheRealFbloke and more for doing so much.

That is by no means an exhaustive list!
We were also delighted to receive big donations from fans of other clubs, whether that was @TheRagamuffins, @yumikotamaru and many more from Liverpool, @ManUtdNSW from United or the @ArsenalWomenSC and @ChelseaWomenSG groups who donated - it proves that #UnityIsStrength
And although both wanted to remain anonymous, we received signed @PepTeam and @MarcusRashford shirts for our cause which raised thousands between them. To the young MCFC FFS members who kindly donated them - thank you, you're an inspiration to us
Another aspect of lockdown was the PPE production and distribution. Big thanks to @MerseyPPEHub and City fan Karl who provided us with thousands of visors - distributed to the Manchester care system through @neilsmithgmb @PaulMaccaGMB @gmbnwi
The level of solidarity offered by Merseyside to Manchester during all this really can't be understated. Whether it's the PPE, the fundraiser donations or anything else.

We will continue reciprocating in future, because when football fans stand together we can achieve anything
...including the biggest victory for fan activism ever - #BoycottPPV

We stood with fans from every Premier League team to demand the removal of the latest fan exploitation scheme and won.

Compliments to @nufcfoodbank @SFoodbanks @IFoodbanks @LUFCFoodbank @kerrylynn21 and more
Another man who has exemplified our statement that #HungerDoesntWearClubColours is @MarcusRashford, an astonishing young man who has stepped up when it matters and worked to make the lives of so many a little better.

Thanks Marcus
Speaking of new friends, we have been delighted and honoured to begin working with @gmtenantsunion, @AcornManchester, @NEU_Manchester, @rmtmansouth and more on issues beyond food.

Food poverty is a symptom + you can't solve it without combatting other inequalities too
But on the food issue, we've made so many friends this year including @EmmelinesPantry, @HumansMCR, @BarakahFoodAid, @MCR_Charity and so many more

We can't wait to meet you some point when that's possible!
And students! Sitting at the sharp end of exploitation in so many ways, we were proud with @SFoodbanks and @neilsmithgmb to support our local students when they needed it most with food deliveries and solidarity
And so what for 2021? Foodbank use is at historic levels and it will only keep rising.

Everyone deserves to live with dignity, and for that reason we will be spending this year getting a #RightToFood in law with @IanByrneMP and groups across the country
To end, we want to say thank you again, to everyone who has helped, donated, got involved, spread the word and encouraged us with kindness and solidarity.

Whether it's longstanding friends or people who we didn't know before, you're all wonderful ❤️
You can follow @MCFCfoodbank.
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