Can we all just take a moment to remember the best thread from 2020

I'm now going to bring you down a very dark Eastbourne hole. If you thought the Edith and Dorothy posts were bad... keep on reading. It gets worse. A whole lot worse.
Eastbourne is a town on the South Coast of England. Also called 'God's waiting room' as it has a very old population full of cute old people. It is about 30 minutes from Brighton.

The town wasn't that known until the local Facebook group "Eastbourne Echo" was created.
What you are about to see is signs of sheer craziness and screenshots from possibly the best Facebook group ever. I give to you... the people of Eastbourne. (link to the group, you're welcome x)
When Patricia was not happy that she had to wait in a queue despite having arthritis. #EastbourneEcho
When Joanne was about to have a cat arrested for harassment.
When Gina posted a private message ranting about her husband's family in a public group.

Update: It all kicked off.
When Martin just couldn't think of the brand.
When things got a bit heated between Penny and Keren.
Oldie? thanks for that
When Ramesh offered the people of Eastbourne a deal that they just could not turn down.

Still trying to work out if he meant to say 'message on Facebook' or if he has genuinely invented an alternative type of virtual massage amidst lockdown.
When Marnie offered to do everyone's shopping for them.

She never offered again.
When Patricia wanted to give back to the local community.

'with the usual wear and tear'
I'll take the lot.

A personal favourite. When Martyn tried to combat youth unemployment by setting up the Seagull Security Squad.

Where do I sign up?
I hope that made you laugh as much as it did me.

Use #EastbourneEcho in your replies, it would be so funny to me to see the world speaking about Eastbourne. 🤣
You can follow @JessMighty1.
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