It occurs to me mulling on stories gone by, why are we surprised that Chibnall lent into the family of the security guard that dies in TWWFTE? Or Angstrom & Graham having lost their wives in TGM? Or briefly noting the security guard's boyfriend in Resolution?

That's what he's-
-always thought about.

In 42, when Martha is plunging towards a sun... we linger a lot more on the fact that her mum and her family will never know. That she'll burn to a crisp and they'll have to deal with a loss that they'll never get answers to.

In Power of Three,-
-(and Dinosaurs on a Spaceship), he actively built up Brian Williams. He built up a piece of Rory's family just to get us ready & thinking for the inevitably painful and upcoming loss... and even wanted to do that little P.S. short for the DVD extras.

Where Moffat focused on-
-death and living and the very nature of it... Chibnall focuses on those left behind.

How do we open up TWWFTE?
With Ryan's vlog. Telling the story of, as we discover, the death of his gran.

This is the really resonant thing of his era - in many ways, big and small, Chibnall-
-lingers on those left behind and gets you to think about that.

As much as he can, he makes every death count.

Grace dies. Ryan and Graham left to mourn and heal together.
Rahul's sister taken by the Stenza to be killed. He dedicated the rest of his life to trying to-
-get answers... even to the point that his death came.
Rahul asks "Where's my sister?" and Tim Shaw says "You will never know." - that's a tragedy in two lines.
And his pal, Andy, is gonna come back at some point the next day - having worried about Rahul... to find him dead.-
-And he's gonna regret leaving him alone.
Then, of course, Dennis the security guard... killed by Tim Shaw. His daughter and his granddaughter left to pick up the pieces.

Angstrom and her wife's death... Graham knows that pain with the death of Grace. It's a shared pain.
Demons of the Punjab?
The whole story revolves around death. The Thijarians as onlookers to all those who die without witness - JUST LIKE US. JUST LIKE THE AUDIENCE. Every other episode, we seem to play that part.

Prem losing his brother, Kunal. Sparks his determination to-
-not suffer another war.
And the loss of Prem, saving Umbreen, during a great tragic part of history... sparks her forward into Britain... and ultimately leads the path to Yaz being born.

Dan dies because of the system. Aside the political critique on certain-
-realworld companies... he was doing all that work just to help his daughter through life. And she's lost her dad. Because of the system, she's lost her dad.

We could keep going and going and going... but think about all that.

I say all this today, because... well, think about-
-if today, we lose Graham and/or Ryan during Revolution of the Daleks... it will be yet another piece in this overarching thought that Chibnall has been telling us about.
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